Music Phenomenon/Knowledge

The Music Novatory
About musical intuition, structure, language, and natural phenomenon, various sites provide useful contents. The main reference source for this section is the encyclopedic information summarized on the web site which currently constitutes the most complete and scientific knowledge base on the issues.

Interests and Accessibility
Mastering rich and sophisticated technical and scientific content as offered by requires a real effort, for anyone. Even more so, as, to improve its reference efficiency, the content is structured to reflect the hierarchical structure of the musical phenomenon itself, without point of view or center of interest.

Navigation Paths provides efficient navigation tools, guided tours, and suggested paths to offer easier and more adapted access to its rich content. Still, the vast interest and background diversity, for each one, requires complementary paths, presentations, and tools, a primary objective for this section.

Concepts and Applications
The "Knowledge" section focuses mostly on musical concepts. A applications of the concepts are better considered in other sections like "Design" and "Sharing". The "Knowledge" section also improves access to content and jewels, for varied interests and angles, with selected and documented paths.


References on the science of music are presented in 4 complementary layers:

  • Music Basicspresenting the basic natural musical structures
  • Music Transformationspresenting some of the most important transformations that can be applied to the basic natural structures
  • Music Contextpresenting more contextual information to support music understanding
  • Music Toolspresenting design tools and tricks to support current music students with their everyday music issues

Harmony Basics
The "Knowledge" section also offers "Harmony Basics" animated clip series (of 12, of which 3 are already available). The series is produced for, by the team, with support from 01 COMMUNICATIONS, Editions Consonance, and the group.

See also
For more information, be sure to visit, the encyclopedic reference on Music, as well as other sites and links available from this portal.

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