Music Portal offers a simple collaborative portal for sharing knowledge on music, its intuitive language,
the structure of its natural phenomenon, its understanding, learning and training, as well as its workers and creators.
From a knowledge base spread over sites and applications, organizes links under 4 main "angles".
Knowledge Links related to the structure of Music's natural phenomenon, ex: rhythm, harmony, melody
Sharing Links related to sharing knowledge and understanding of music and its natural phenomenon, ex: (e)Learning
Design Links related to musical design, composition, and creation, using this knowledge, ex: composers, musicians
Publishing Links to music production and publishing related content, ex: catalogs, publisher sites, features, documents
Commissions will also develop and contribute to special projects and provide access to their results here.
The first special project is "Harmony Basics" animation clip series of 12,
of which 3 are already available. The 4th is currently in production.
Tune Tune-Up Shop
The has already revisited some popular songs, as well as some national anthems, including
"La Citoyenne": powerful new anthem for France, rejuvenating, structuring, energizing, and
bringing the words and music of "La Marseillaise" more in-line with the modern French ideals of "Peace, Freedom and Brotherhood".
Also check the revisions for the "Star Spangled Banner"
as well as for the "God Save the Queen", and others.
Special Projects and Collaborations
More special projects are also in development including the integrated Catalog and People Index Directory.
Questions, comments, suggestions, contributions