Music Phenomenon/Sharing

Music Knowledge Sharing

Music eTeaching / eLearning
To support the development and sharing of better music understanding, this section first provides links to support content and services for music (e)teaching and eLearning, for any level.

The most advanced music development approach and program to learn, understand and feel the natural phenomenon of music is an approach and an elearning web service currently known as SingALot (GrosBonChant in French. The second more advanced part of the program is called "Concertonomi" and could soon be available.

Virtual Profiles
To better support eLearning and eTeaching, the sites presented here are backed a virtual profile management environment to support the development, sharing, and security of dynamic personal virtual profiles for each learning actor, including students, teachers, parents, coordinators, and administrators.

Knowledge Sharing Metaphors
Knowledge sharing metaphors are crucial to the eLearning and eTeaching processes. With the support of virtual environments and advanced interactive user interfaces, metaphors are strong knowledge integration and sharing tools. Smart virtual instruments, for example, open new doors to learning and teaching music and to building virtual music classrooms and performing stages.

See also
For more information, be sure to visit, the encyclopedic reference on Music, as well as other sites and links available from this portal.

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Knowledge Sharing