Music Phenomenon/Design/Newsletter/Harmony


Drive On The Right

Harmony is a Two-Way Street

Harmony Is A Two-Way Street
There is something else to Harmony besides seventh chords. There are all the sixth chords, on the other side of the street, which function in the opposite direction. (Example - C6-G and F6-C)

Chords Travel In Both Directions
Just as 7th chords move down the order of fifths, 6th chords naturally move up the string of fifths. In fact, the 6th and 7th notes on the chords typically give the chord its motion and direction along the string of fifths.

Invariably, when giving demonstrations of these principles and asked to analyze a progression which is incomprehensible using traditional methods, the answer lies in the progression of a sixth chord. There are far more of them than one might think, in all styles, folk, pop, jazz, classical.

More On This
You can find more information on this through's "Harmony Basics" animated video clips, by following the links on this page, by browsing the Newsletter pages, as well as by browsing the encyclopedic MusicNovatory web site.

Questions, Comments, and Suggestions
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