Music Phenomenon/Design/Newsletter/Fifth Not Scale


The Scale Is Dead
Long Live The Fifth!

Long Live The Fifth!

The King is Dead, Long Live the King
Thus does one announce the reign of a new monarch.

The Scale is Dead, Long Live the Fifth
Thus do we choose to announce the reign of a new concept.

Fifths provide the chord frames, generate the chords by division, inserting the thirds (i.e. mediants) within the frames and determining the chord's mode (i.e. major or minor), as well as generate the scales by multiplication, through the choice of each second fifth.

More On This
You can find more information on this through's "Harmony Basics" animated video clips, including the one on generating basic materials. You can also follow other links on this page, browse the Newsletter pages, as well as discover the encyclopedic MusicNovatory web site.

Questions, Comments, and Suggestions
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